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Arch Design’s organizational set-up consists of depart­ments which specialize in the varied areas of Archi­tectural, Structural, Civil, Water and Environmental as well as Health Engineering.

These include the following:-

Architecture Department:

This department’s specialty is building design prepara­tion, operation and functional analysis. It consists of architecture professionals that design and oversee projects right from the establishment of programs to preliminary and final design. They are also equipped to carry out site supervision of public and private buildings and industrial estates.

Transportation Engineering Department:

This is tasked with planning, design, construction super­vision and maintenance of rural, urban and special purpose roads as well as aerodromes.

Water & Sanitation Services Department:

It deals with planning, design, construction supervision and maintenance of water supply systems, sewerage, storm water drainage, irrigation systems, water distri­bution, maintenance and servicing and the environ­environ­mental aspects of water management.

Infrastructure Services Department:

This arm of Arch Design plans, designs and undertakes construction supervision and maintenance of site and service schemes and infrastructural services for indus­trial, commercial and residential developments.

Structures and Bridges Department:

Undertakes planning, design, construction supervision and maintenance management of building struc­tures, bridges and other major road structures.

Electrical and Mechanical Department:

Deals with the design and supervision of electrical and mechanical services for buildings. The department also carries out servicing and maintenance of electri­cal and mechanical systems for both domestic and commercial establishments.

Surveying, Mapping and Geotechnical Services Department:

It handles the vital role of topographical, cadastral and construction control surveys. The department car­ries out materials investigations and testing of founda­tions. In collaboration with other established survey firms, this department also undertakes aerial mapping for purposes of location of route corridors for roads.